The Marvelous
Migrating Goose - Geese!
How to fold a Goose
How do they fly like that?
Look at a goose famly
Who was Mother Goose?
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Clickiing on the pictures here !
13 photos below
Folded Origami Goose
Why so Geese Fly in V Formation? click photo above
Click Above Photo for this kind of goose!
In Klamath Falls we see many goose families out walking just like this!!
YES geese do also fly in long lines, do you know why they fly like this over long distances?
The geese above right are displayed origami! The geese above left are also displayed origami geese!
How beautiful to see them flying at sunset. Have you heard them honking to each other as they fly?
Here is a teaser! Did you know that LOONS also migrate? Click the photo
I see 100;s of geese flying just like this photo past the Origami Studio near Klamath Falls up at Agency Lake.
Above is a wonderful advance folded origami goose from white paper! Maybe a snow goose? see video *
For the younger members of families..... Who Was Mother Goose? How many of her Nursery Rhymes have you heard or read?
For the whole Family. You will enjoy this!!!
Click above to watch this man and his goose!!!
Why ? For visual sight of each other and the leader and maximum energetic advantage Flocks contain both experienced and new migrants, so communicating information about rest and feeding areas is vital. Flying in the lead is the most tiring position, so geese take turns at the head of the V in order to allow leaders to rest.
Did you know... mature adult goose has 20 to 25,000 feathers. geese also use their bills to realign their feathers and reconnect any Velcro-like barbules that have become separated